Today is Christian Orthodox's Easter.
Although I am born as a Christian Orthodox I neither feel nor I take myself as the one. I don't believe in Jesus Christ's death, his crucifixion, resurrection and revival to an eternal life in Heaven. All that is a story for small kids.
I don't take the teaching of any religion to be true. They are used only for indoctrination of ignorant herd feeding them with stupidity and dogmas.
I don't believe in Science, ether! The science expands the frontiers of human ignorance. All these scientific discoveries in our age made human life easier and more comfy but at the same time those discoveries degraded entire humanity making people more cruel than ever.
People are enslaved and psychologically destroyed by religion and science. In the 21st century the attention span of a human is less than the attention span of a goldfish. People simply cannot keep mind concentration for more than 8 seconds. This is not a hearsay, it is a fact.
What kind of society is produced by this kind of religion and science? Turn around yourself and see it. 1% of human population owns 95% of resources on this Earth... and it is getting worse. The human existence is based on fear - the fear of hunger, of homelessness and sickness... in the 21st century!
2024 years after Jesus Christ and people, fearful more than ever, still killing each other out of a wish for dominance and wealth. This planet is a big shopping mall driven by science and divided by religion. Fuck the Christ's resurrection, the humanity is a failed experiment.
People still hope for a savior, to miraculously return back and get them up from their knees. But what is left, what is there to be resurrected? Soul?
Every human being, deeply believes that it has something called "soul" which survives after death. The physical body breaks up, the breathing stops but the soul continues... forever and ever. Such belief is a highest form of egocentricity and selfishness and it is a product of ignorance.
What is the "soul", it is not known, bit it does not matter at all, the belief stays. No one bothers to awake and investigate these matters. You don't need polished intelligence to do it, you don't need PhD or any other letters besides your name... but you need clear intention and firm attention.
What is it in you that hasn't changed from your birth until now?
Is it your sense of existence? Since time you know yourself until this very moment that sense is the only thing that did not change, everything else has changed and what can be changed is not real.
You exist now, how do you know that? Investigate, quiet your mind and look at it. Find out who you are. And then, talk about the soul and resurrection.