Break free from false beliefs

Zee Mark

I have concluded that I am upsetting you my reader. I don't really care if I am upsetting you or not because by writing these posts I want that you deprogram yourself. You have certain beliefs all your life and here you read that your beliefs are simple misunderstanding of things as they are. You may feel as a stupid person because all these years you believe in stupid things.

What are those things I am talking about...

For example you believe so much in your kids. You put so many attention to their upbringing up to the point that you lose your own life. In the process of raising your kids you have lost yourself never realizing that your kids are better without your attention.

No wonder, when kids are grown up and they do not require your immediate attention you start feeling abandon, lost and worthless. How they can do such thing to you? 

The second belief you have all these years is belief that you owe something to your parents. You have to be there for them, you need to help them in their old age. I am not saying you should not call them and see how they are. That's okay the caring attitude is nice but obsessive thinking about parents is sign that you believe you owe them your own life.

You don't owe anything to anybody. In the moment you became their child at that precise moment they became your parents. That is truth. They rise you until you were able to care for yourself... then you went to the world and you have your own family and kids... 

It is natural that on the end to be alone and lead life according to understanding you have. These things probably upset you. This is good because deprogramming hurts, truth is hard to swallow. Do you prefer lies?

The understanding is the most important thing in life. It is nice if you understand and know how to fix toilet bowl and other house maintenance things, it is important to perform well at whatever you do in life but I am not referring to that "understanding". I am thinking of "understanding and knowing" who you are. How you see yourself, how you see the world. 

And when I mention the subject of "who you are?" you became silent. You, my dear friend, have no clue about that subject. You simple have no time to consider such things and that is ignorance. You live your entire life without paying any attention to the most important subject of your life.

You take yourself to be a person, with name, who has kids and parents, with a house, car, credit card, who likes water melon and hates hot tea... or whatever. You have added some letters to your name that came from your education which gave you a certain dose of importance and accomplishments... and you live your life not seeing that you are going into circles until you became old and incompetent to handle daily life. 

What have you learned in your life? What things have you learned that matters, that may give you satisfaction on the end of your days? Ask yourself such questions, now, while you are strong and young. In your old age it will be too late for that. When you are old you will be preoccupied with sickness and pills and doctors.

So my dear friend, read my blog carefully. The post after post I am tuning your attention toward yourself. I am directing your thoughts to things that matter. I am giving you some different view, is it right or not, investigate for yourself.


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