The unacceptable and unbelievable truth

Zee Mark

I will tell you what is the ultimate truth or in simple words... what is truth. The truth, I am going to write about, is something that you will not accept, so it is unacceptable, and it is something you won't believe, so it is unbelievable.

Here is... What you think you are is false, the truth is - you are an imagination. It is so simple.

You take yourself as a man or woman, he or she. Oh well today there is a mixed genders too - "they", but lets not go there. 

You are male or female with the name, with the time and place of birth, with ID, social insurance number. You take as the truth that you have parents who gave you the birth, and that you have kids to whom you gave the birth. 

On such belief you have built a grandiose "I" structure - YOURSELF - as you believe. Your personal self is a collection of your likes and dislikes, your system of values, your religious or spiritual beliefs and sense of duties and responsibilities... 

During your existence, you've learned a lot and you've acquired tremendous amount of knowledge, well, mostly useless information but so what? - it comes handy in small talk and trivia quizzes.

That is what you believe. 

There is you, born on certain date into an existed world. You think the world existed before you were born. The historians will agree with you but can you really prove that? What is your experience? Did world really existed before you become conscious of it?

And when I mentioned - the world. What is really the world, your world? You strongly believe there is a world in which you live, something outside of yourself. You take it as outside because you believe your thoughts and feelings are something inside yourself.

These beliefs are completely wrong so it is no wonder why do you live a life full of struggle and despair. The most important thing in life is how you see yourself - how do you take yourself, who are you and what the world is.

You are living a life with a mistaken identity. You've taken yourself to be what you are not and that is a source of all your fears and the answer of why is your life is so hard.  

My friend, you are lucky that you read these simple words. The truth once heard does miracles. For now, this truth is unacceptable and unbelievable for you because of your current beliefs. Question your beliefs!

On the simple presence, the constant stream of thoughts and feelings creates imagination of the existence of an entity that you take yourself to be. In fact, the world, your surroundings, streets, buildings, trees, water, grass... that is a construct, a simulation, the matrix, the universe - and that is your inner self. 

Your world is actually the mental world, an imagination - the thoughts and feelings are outside of yourself. Who knows about your feelings and thoughts, your fears, desires and hopes, expectations and anticipations, except you. That is your world.

Between inside and the outside is the presence - the You Are sense, the first and the last imagination. "You are", "you exist" is the only truth all else is false. Take it for granted or investigate for yourself.

No one returns after death because no one really died. The dead person was an imagined entity. Imagined means it never existed.

And this is the real fact even now. You are the imagined entity in this very moment. Now, you know the truth. What you gonna do with this it is up to you. I wish you the best.


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