Questioner: I can see that unless there is a center within me I cannot conduct myself. After attaining that center, unfortunately for my life, a psychological condition appeared. In my body there are certain sensitivities, certain throbbings going on which give me pleasant or unpleasant sensations. I would like to know why they are there.
Maharaj: These sensations arise because the five elements have created duality. Duality also means a sort of chaos and disagreement, so wherever there are elements there will be a quarrel among theM: therefore they give you these pleasant or unpleasant sensations. Whatever we eat gives us the experiences we call pleasant or unpleasant. Whatever agreement or disagreement there is among the five elements has to be endured by everyone.
The Vedas have told you the way of behavior: It is very necessary for a person to understand these scriptures, because they provide some kind of path, how to behave, how to conduct yourself.
It is so wonderful, so amazing, that that essence, through you, has taken the form “I know/' and consciousness has appeared in this body in the form “I Am 7 '; and following that consciousness a big account has also been opened up.
Q: How does Maharaj look upon us?
M: I am the knower of the universal life and I look upon you also as one like me, but I know that you do not know what you are. I understand from what platform you are talking, and what your nature is I also know.
If you become a Jnani you sort of feel proud: “I 77 have acquired this, “I 77 have done this—but it is not going to last. All life is universal life, it has nothing to do with an individual. There is no sense in taking pride in whatever “I 77 know or “I 77 have done in life.
Q: Is what Maharaj calls the sense the same as intelligence?
M: It is all this One, but whatever is here is made impure by gunas: that is the state of beingness, the knowledge “I Am."
Q: Isn't there some direction for that intelligence from inside?
M: Inside of what? What are you directing your attention to?
Q: Toward the human body. One experiences this sense, or this intelligence, and at the same time experiences many things which appear false, which are still in the form of elements. It creates so many problems. How does one act on it?
M: That particle from which this birth has come includes crores of elements. Close your eyes and you will see: it is the seed of the whole universe, the smallest, the atomic, and yet it contains crores of universes within the seed.
Q: Have we just to live with them and not do anything about them? Can we not act on the potentialities?
M: With what are you going to act? Before eating food you can do anything with it, but once it goes into the stomach, what can you do with it? That consciousness is doing whatever is being done to the food. What are you doing? Try the experiment in the dream world.
Q: No, I don't have any dream world. I am thinking of myself, the elements which are in me, in this body; I am acting from that.
M: For the sake of that, many births will come. You are not the body, you do not have a personality, you are the universal life. This is all universal life. Why do you consider yourself some particular individual and suffer?