August 28, 1979

Questioner: I have heard many of these talks about the food that has become me, but the point is not very clear. What does it mean? 

Maharaj: Every organic being, whether an insect or a human, depends on food. All these flowers, this foliage, is our antecedent state. We were in this state before, and gradually, out of the essences of all the bodies that we have taken in order to enjoy this beingness, our human body has been evolved. The “I Amness” is only the quality of that food body which you call “I.” It has nothing to do with any other thing. It is the pure and simple quality of this beingness. 

Q: Is it possible for this being which has come out of the food to do something original, something totally different? 

M: Ramakrishna Paramahamsa performed austerities and became himself Jagadamba [Mother of the whole world]; others also have performed austerities and they understood the Truth. When they realized the Truth what could they do? So many great men have come, and what change, what different thing could they do? Whatever has happened, has happened when you were not knowing. The knowledge has come out of ignorance, or complete absence of knowledge, and no different course can be given to what is going on from infinity. 

Q: My mind, intellect, and understanding are being modified, and I was thinking that Maharaj is giving me something totally new. Is he or not? 

M: Whatever the changes or modification going on in your mind, or intellect, I am doing nothing that is different. I am only bringing before you newly what is infinitely ancient. There is nothing new. 

During the process of questions and answers, even if you get angry with me, I will have absolutely nothing to say to you. When a mother takes her child of three months on her lap it kicks, it may slap her, it dirties her clothing. She merely takes the child in her arms and fondles it, and she even cleans herself only after cleaning the child. I look upon you exactly like that, even if your body is seventy-five years old. 

Q: I see that point very clearly, and another simile comes to mind; that I am like an artist. Every time I paint something Maharaj says, “I see the connection,” and in the process I get angry and maybe I throw paint on him. But he doesn't care, he is still smiling. 

M: When the vital breath and body combination are present, this beingness is there. The beingness does not die. Take the harmonium player: because of the air in the harmonium sound is created; when the player removes his hand the air is gone and therefore no sound is there. Is the sound dead? It just disappears. 

Q: Tell me exactly what is the connection between this quality of beingness and me. 

M: The very essence of beingness is that knowledge “I Am,” and still you say, “What is the connection?” The knowledge “I Am” is itself the quality of this body or the essence of food. 

I will not teach whoever comes to me as if he were a mortal. I look upon him as immortal. There are lots of primary teachers in the world who can teach the alphabet. Even if I give him a slight injection or bite so as to find out who he is, the principle behind the knowledge “I Am” will be sufficient for him. 

Q: People say that we should act with detachment. What is detachment? 

M: If you want to know detachment you must realize the personality or individuality as melting away. 

Q: The personality is so much with me, how am I to melt it away? 

M: Find out the meaning of the Self. Try to understand the meaning of the Self by any means. Before this knowledge “I Am” appeared on you you were absolutely unattached. As soon as this knowledge dawned on you, you became attached to everything around you. Only that false not the doer. I will give you one piece of advice: do not do anything that will hurt another, that is all. You may not do anything to oblige them, or do good to them, but take care that you do not hurt anyone else. And that also is in this field of consciousness. Beyond that there is nothing. 

If you become expansive with knowledge of the whole world and live for a thousand years to enjoy that knowledge, just remember that at the end of the thousand years all that knowledge is going to be extinguished. Even if this atom continues for a thousand years you must investigate as to when the point of the pen touched down to open this account. 

Q: What opens the account? 

M: It is ignorance which opens it. Ganapati [consciousness] is the entity which has started this account of hundreds of births. All these accounts will not tell you about Ganapati. You must find out the source of the consciousness. 

The Maya is before the one. This account is made by one who has started counting with one. For counting somebody must be there to count, so he must be in existence before there was any number; Mula-Maya, Ganapati, investigate these. Ganapati is Lord of the primordial sound; sound and word are identical. One who understands the Ganapati is Brahman. 

Today’s subject is both difficult and very easy. You can learn anything outside yourself, but it is rather difficult to catch your Self. Once you catch it, once you know your own beingness, you will not forget it. 

While you live, live fearlessly, because nobody has created you. Out of your own light you are living. Particularly, live with confidence in the Self. 
