Maharaj: Because of this fraudulent world which is created out of spit people are sincerely ashamed. Therefore they would not like to expose or parade the very mouthpiece from which that spit was ejected. That’s why they want to keep it in hiding always. Considering this aspect how can you have any ego at all? A most despicable state of affairs. You are emanating from where and proceeding to where?
Questioner: From nowhere to nowhere.
M: Would you care to stay for two weeks more?
Q: Oh, yes.
M: Your self-esteem will be fully exposed; would you like that?
Q: I have nothing to hide; only Maharaj told me to stand up and fight.
M: With the help of a telescope I observe all the manifest world.
Q: Is this Maharaj’s belief or is it his experience?
M: There is no necessity for belief.
Q: Then why does Maharaj say “I,” “I was,” or “I am”?
M: This talk happens in the telescope.
Q: What is the state when you take away the telescope?
M: When you didn’t know you were, that is your true state. Although you have imbibed knowledge, still you want to do something to further yourself. I am the Unmanifest, and with my manifestation, my form and body is all this world. I don’t know how you identify yourself. You might presume that you have certain knowledge but with that you want to develop your egotistic sense only.
Q: Do you have to lose all your knowledge?
M: You have to understand; you need not reject the knowledge.
Q: From what was said earlier I understand that there is no meditation needed, but Maharaj told me to keep quiet and to meditate to realize what I am.
M: From where do you know that you are? In the knowingness everything is.
Q: I just feel it. Through the telescope I have understood that I am not the telescope.
M: You have not understood. You presume that you have, but you have not understood.
Q: I have understood the words, but I have not understood?
M: Whatever you have understood, it is something else; you do not understand your Self.
A donkey is going by on the road and you inquire about the donkey. How are you concerned with it? Here you will not be able to satisfy your itch for talking. Elsewhere you can talk and be satisfied with the talk.
Q: I feel that I have nothing to do. I will perform my meditation and everything will come through it.
M: What I mean by meditation is to reject all experience and be in the experienceless state. To understand this you have to meditate. What is the experience? The experience “to be.” The one who observes this being and no-being state is the True state.
You follow meditation assiduously; otherwise what will happen? You will be moving about like a calf that just jumps about here and there, I insist you stabilize yourself by meditation. Your senses are very active; they are not under control. By meditating that particular weakness of your mind will be brought under control.
Q: What shall I do? For a long time I have been trying. I cannot.
M: Persistence. That deep longing must be there. If you need something very badly you think of it continuously, you are persistent about it; then you will reach that stage.