January 21, 1980

Maharaj: This consciousness is all-pervading when the touch of “I Amness” is not present. All this manifestation is for you, because you are. Since it had no support to say “I am this or that,” it caught hold of the body and said “I am a male or a female.” 

Questioner: So the only thing you have to do is to see that you are not any of this? 

M: To what extent are you going to say I am not this or that? 

Q: Once one has seen it one does not have to repeat it? 

M: Once you understand that you are not the body then are you not everything? Are you not the five elemental play? Whatever is you are. The message “I Am” does not have any form, design, or color. So long as “I Am,” this experience of manifestation, is, once that “I Amness” disappears there is no experience. Once this message “I Am” appears, in insect, animal, or human being, immediately the manifestation occurs with that beingness. Inside and outside is full of manifestation. These talks are not for general consumption, for the masses. 

Most people want to derive certain benefits from certain actions, but what happens here? For whom is anything? The whom itself gets dissolved. 

I'll tell you only one thing, go on humming Guru, Guru, Guru, that is “I Amness.” Go on humming “I Am” without words, the unstruck sound. 

Q: How can you experience that? What is the path? 

M: You recede into that. Everybody is asking for a path; how can I indicate a path? How did I enter into my mother’s womb? How can I tell you? Everybody wants a path. Follow the same path by which you came. 

The message “I Am” has no forM: it is only a food container. It is there, it has meaning, but you cannot perceive it, observe it. I receive a letter containing all the information about myself but that message is not me. I am the observer of the message. The message “I Am” is time-bound. The principle to which “I Am” refers is beyond time, timeless, eternal. 

Q: The observer is the meeting point between the time- bound and the timeless. 

M: The witnessing of the manifest world happens to that Ultimate principle. When you observe something you receive it, record it, and deliberate over it; therefore you are involved in it. The Ultimate does not receive or record the passing show. 
