Maharaj: The God principle in the body is going to cast off the body. While you are living get introduced to that principle. Know that principle and be one with it. The body will not be with you always.
Consciousness is the reflection of the Awareness that is the Absolute. Consciousness will remain only as long as the body is there. Keep thinking on this point. While we are alive it is everything, and we must abide in it, but keep in mind that the consciousness is going to disappear.
The food that we eat will disappear as waste within twenty-four hours, but is the principle that is in us going to waste like the body? Do you really give a thought as to the purpose of your coming here? Are you the body? You must find out what you are. You must investigate and find out.
You must ponder this very seriously. Only then come here and listen to me. Right here and now, while you have the body with you, find out what you are.
What do you understand by spirituality? Exactly what is it that you are doing in the name of spirituality?
You consume food and drink water, and you throw it out as fecal matter and urine. In the same way you have to discard the body. Remember also, the food is very delicious when you eat it, but later on it has a stench, it becomes fecal matter.
That indwelling Spirit, that Godly immanence residing in this body—inquire about that. Some significance is given to the body because the indwelling Spirit is Godly. If the indwelling Spirit quits the body, the body becomes as fecal matter.
Why are you putting in so much effort for this body which is just going to become waste?
Whatever harmony or friendship you might enjoy with other people lasts only so long as the minds are in tune with each other. Once you disagree, the mind is in disturbance and you discard the friendship. Remember, once the vital breath leaves the body, the body is going to be disposed of. How long are you going to pamper the body?
Questioner: What is renunciation?
M: Renunciation is to understand and discard what is not useful to you. You understand what this “I Amness” is and what that principle is prior to the beingness. That is your Self. It is not the body. What I am telling you is the most important purpose of your visit here.
There was a disciple of Tiku Baba, a Muslim Sage, who used to visit me daily in my bidi shop. One day he brought a message that there was a lot of trouble in the world and asked what should be done. I told him, ‘‘Investigate the cause of the birth which has taken place. Apply the cause as a medicine to all the worries and miseries of the world. Then make bhajans in its name.” After listening he started to dance. Ask the creator of the body what the antidote for the misery is. All the doctors and psychiatrists—what are they going to do? How are they going to handle the patient? Ask the creator itself. Do you put what I am saying into practice?
Q: I am trying.
M: By trying can you put that to use?
Q: By your Grace.
M: Where is the question of Grace? It is already there with you. You are it. Find out how this creation of the body has happened. Due to what? What is the cause?
In this world there are crores of statues called human bodies; each has a different face. Now you find out who made this image which you call the body. What is it made of and who is the sculptor? Is he there or is he not present in that body?