October 22, 1979

Maharaj: Who has made all the wonderful mechanical and technical inventions in this world today? The child has the potentiality of all this knowledge contained within his heart, and whatever material he wanted has been provided by the five elements, but what he has created from it is as you see in the world today. That ignorance which has come out of the mother's womb gives birth to so much knowledge. 

Where did Arjuna see that great universal form which Sri Krishna showed him? He saw it in that atomic consciousness in his heart. Whoever acted as Krishna and Arjuna, you are. 

Questioner: I like that. 

M: Are you prepared to take delivery of this statement? 

Q: Yes. 

M: There is no separate God to propitiate and get things done according to our will. Without doing anything you have the knowledge “I Am.” Immense courage, heroism, and conviction that you are—that is Iswara, that is you. I am giving you instructions regarding your beginningless being but you prefer to be in that monkey form. You are not prepared to leave that form. 

What is your object, what is your purpose? Your purpose is to retain your individuality, your personality, and to get all your needs satisfied. 

This one here is coming to me so that she and all her family will have good health; that is her whole object, not Self knowledge. The family will get this minor result, but this most important result, this Ultimate, they will not get. 

In this world there are no beings that are born, or living, or dead. Nothing of the sort; it is just a play in consciousness. 

Q: When people believe in God what happens after death? 

M: They have a peaceful death. They see God coming and then they just vanish. 

Q: What about concepts of heaven and hell? 

M: Whatever concept one has will happen. 

Q: How can the concepts survive without the food body? 

M: That “I Amness” is not extinguished immediately; it is prolonged for some time in the form of subtle body. The physical shape is gone, but the desires contained in the subtle body are not dissolved. The consciousness endures so long as a particle of the food essence persists. Sri Krishna said, “I have put these various beings on the top of a machine of this illusion; they are mechanically going round.” The mechanical motive force for the movement of all these beings is Maya, “I Am,” “I love.” 

The nature of this love is greed, great liking, intense desire to be. How passionately fond of life we are. That is the primordial Maya—“I love to be.” 

It is the greatest of wonders that this principle has taken such a shape, but you are enjoying it and looking at it as “I” and limiting it to the body. Now we have to find out who is the principle which has taken this form. 
