April 6, 1981
Questioner: While I am sitting here, putting questions to you, I feel at peace. Is it not a landmark, showing progress?
Maharaj: What are you talking about? You are talking from the kindergarten level. I am not going to address you as a student of the mumuksha class, I am going to address the class of sadhaka. How long have you been practicing spirituality?
Q: Since childhood, because my family has been practicing spirituality for generations; therefore, I have a hobby of spirituality.
M: Very good. Nevertheless, you are still at the kindergarten level. The only solution is for you tog ive up your identity with the body-mind.
Q: I know all of this intellectually, but I am not experiencing it, so I came for satsang.
M: What do you mean by satsang? This is merely a conventional spiritual jargon. Now you go from here with the firm conviction that "I am the Brahman, without any shape, form or design, and without any mental inclinations. I am the manifest consciousness." When you realize that you are formless, there is no caste or creed for you, there are no concepts left.
The mumukshu is in kindergarten, spirituality inclined, but identifying with the body-mind. The sadhaka is one who has dis-identified with the body-mind. A Siddha is one who has stabilized in the knowledge "I Am", and in the process, has transcended it. In this journey you know very well where you are.
M: [Speaking to another person] This young man's mother was on her deathbed, but I said with conviction that she was not going to die. This was some years back and today, she is still alive. His mother was so convinced that she was going to die that she had purchased the particular flowers which she liked for her funeral. I ordered her to get up and go and prepare tea for me.
At that time, my attitude was that "I am the Brahman"; today that attitude is discarded. I had the firm conviction then that whatever I tackled would take shape, would happen. At this very place many things happened. Bhajans have been going on here since 1932. I was the first tenant in the Vanmali building.
[There was more talk of other miracles which had happened there. There were a lot of miracles that happened around Maharaj, but he never cared to speak about the past or the future.]M: People would come here hoping to get their problems solved, and when I would ask why they had come, they would simply state their problems. I would tell them, "The very fact that you have come here means that your problem is bound to be solved. You can go." Now all of you are coming; who is drawing you here? It is your own beingness. You are attracted to this place because of a certain quality in you. You are stabilizing in the highest state. It is not a worldly attraction which brings you here. Neither you nor anybody else knows anything about this attraction. The attraction for you is to be in your eternal dwelling place, that is your home. When that attraction is there you come here.
Q: Scientists have been talking of the "black hole" into which everything in the universe finally goes.
M: You are that Absolute, you swallow the entire universe.
April 10, 1981
Maharaj: There is only the slightest touch of "I Amness" left. Henceforth, people will be able to have only darshan, there is not much chance of talking. Whatever faith you entertain about me, that will stabilize in you. It is not the darshan, but your faith in the darshan.
Unusual, rare, strange, astonishing, non-phenomenal; this is the kind of benefit you will receive. The ultimate faith in the Self. Total faith. Whatever you see, don't see it as a mere body.
These are truly the limbs of that highest, imperceptible principle that is expressing itself. These limbs have reached the highest.
Questioner: I am convinced.
M: Now that conviction is so strong for you that it can never be broken. It is total, complete, imperishable.
April 11, 1981
Maharaj: The core of this consciousness is knowingness, to know "I Am". It is not a personality, not an individual. It is total manifestation. Beingness is there, it fills everything.
Nevertheless, this quality "I Am" is the result of the material, objective body. In the seed the whole tree is latent; in the droplet "I Am" all three worlds are squeezed in.
The highest state is the state of a jnani. The first step is to be that droplet. In the process of knowing that droplet, you are out of it, and that is a jnani. A jnani is not obsessed by any calamities or any problems, because he has transcended the "I Am" principle. He watches the play as a witness.
Now, understand clearly. This "droplet" of knowingness is a result of the food essence body; in understanding it, you are out of it. If this last step is taken, knowing that I, the Absolute, am not that" droplet", the consciousness, it has to happen only once. There is no more involvement with the play of the consciousness. You are in a state of no return, the eternal state.
Whatever you think of as spiritual knowledge was gained in the realm of consciousness; such knowledge is merely a burden upon your head and it is going to add more misery.
It is nothing more than spiritual jargon. This "I Amness" is the very source of all misery.
Are you in such a position that you cannot employ any words to express your Self? When I answer your questions at such great length, you should be reduced to a quietude out of which no words can come.
I expound this knowledge completely and thoroughly. Have you the courage to accept it?
If you have really understood what I have told you, you need not come again. Do not try to tell these things to all and sundry, just don't speak of this elsewhere.
April 22, 1981
Maharaj: The whole universe is experienced in the consciousness "I Am". If that is not there, what else can ever exist? This consciousness is beating a drum; everyone is carried away by the noise of the drum. Who looks for the drummer? Who is sounding and beating the drum? It is so amazing that no one casts even a glance at this speck of consciousness.
Questioner: When I stabilize in consciousness, is that meditation?
M: Who is stabilizing? Is it not the consciousness itself?
This one [referring to Jean Dunn] has understood her nature. It is all due to her faith in the Guru. Everything that has any concern with me is sacred to her. Unless you have such faith in the Guru, you do not attain faith in your Self. Some people go about to this swami and that swami, for what? To lick at their left-overs. If they lick their own leftovers, how much better it would be.
Stick to your own consciousness, remain in that. All the burden of your concepts you should fuse into your consciousness, but do not use your consciousness to build up the edifices of concepts.
Q: Habit is a great force which makes one stray, isn't it?
M: The habit of considering Self as the body has influenced everybody too much. The knowledge "I Am" is your Guru, be in it.
Who is the one who sings the bhajan? It is the intellect of that Guru - who are you, an intruder?
Of course, the action of the whole world depends on this intellect, but when this intellect reaches its apex, it gets merged into Parabrahman.
You all go on writing a diary of your own concepts -I tell you, finally, it is utterly useless. It will only serve as an instrument of bondage.