In a nutshell, I naively thought that every man has different reasons to do yoga - maybe they want strength, nice shaped body, which yoga offers, maybe they were drunk last night and yoga makes them sober the next day or maybe they just couldn't help stretching up besides that hot blonde. I had no clue that main reason why men do yoga is that they have been feeling unfulfilled in their relationship.
The survey, conducted by Yoga Journal's Online Doctor, polled over 2,000 American and European men and found that the reasons why men do yoga are actually really shocking...
When asked the reasons why they go to the studio and sweat profusely, people who identified as men had the same #1 answer:
Their partner had stopped giving them the attention they needed.
Some of the other top reasons why they do yoga were that they weren't having enough sex, In rare situations, some men have answered that nice looking yoga teacher was hitting on them and the yoga studio was a blessing.
So while this isn't a perfect methodology, it does help us confront some tough things about yoga, relationships, and expectations of men.
The Psychology Today has confirmed this undeniable truth that relationship dynamics plays main reason for a man’s decision to engage in yoga practice. Generally, though, man's choice to practice yoga is driven by one or more of the following factors:
1. Immaturity
If he does not have a lot of experience in yoga, or if he doesn’t fully understand that his actions will inevitably have consequences like hurting his knees, he may think it is fine to have yoga adventure. He might think of his commitment to yoga as a jacket that he can put on or take off as he pleases, depending on the circumstances.
2. Co-occurring Relationship Issues
He may have an ongoing problem with lack of sex, alcohol and/or drugs that affect his decision-making, resulting in regrettable trips to the yoga studio. Or maybe he has a problem with sexual addiction, meaning he compulsively engages in sexual fantasies with female yoga students.
3. Insecurity
He may feel as if he is too old or too young, not handsome enough, not rich enough, not smart enough, etc. An astonishing amount of male doing yoga is linked, at least in part, to a mid-life crisis. To bolster his flagging ego, he seeks validation from women other than his partner, using yoga practice to feel wanted, desired, and worthy.
4. Lack of Male Support
He may have undervalued his need for watching and playing sports and going to strip-bars with other men, expecting his social and emotional needs to be met entirely by his significant other. And when she inevitably fails in that duty, he seeks fulfillment in the yoga studio.
5. Childhood Abuse
He may be reenacting or latent responding to unresolved childhood trauma – neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, etc. In such cases, his childhood wounds have created attachment/intimacy issues that leave him unable or unwilling to fully commit to his partner. He might also be using the excitement and distraction of yoga poses coupled with intense breathing as a way to self-soothe the pain of these old, unhealed wounds.
6. Megalomaniac Issues
He may feel like he is different and deserves something special that other men might not. The usual rules just don’t apply to him, so he is free to reward himself with a good yoga stretch. He may never have even thought about yoga until an opportunity suddenly presented itself. Then, without even thinking about what yoga might do to his relationship, he went for it.
7. Anger/Revenge
He may do yoga to get revenge. He is angry with his partner. In such cases, the downwarddog is meant to be seen and known as a tool to hurt her. The man does not bother to lie or keep secrets about his practice, he will talk about it, and talk, and talk... because he wants his partner to know about it.
In conclusion, the word of advice to all women out there who have been in the sexless relationship for months... If he suddenly is starting the yoga practice, this article may help you get some perspective on why he does what he does, and help you address your bedroom issues. Review your lack of emotional or physical attraction and decide should you want to stay together and work it out or simply should you let him go to do yoga and end up in divorce.