What Is Meditation?

Zee Mark

If you have problems and worries with which you are concerned, you will find out these problems and questions are based on your identity with the body and mind as an individual. If that identification is not there then no worry can arise.

What are you thinking during 24 hour day? What you are discussing inside in your mind flow? Are you constantly preoccupied with your daily affairs without any attention on your sense of existence?

You are according to the quality of the intensity of your thinking. In this world you have only attention nothing else is really yours. Where are you placing your attention? 

Body consciousness gives you knowledge of your existence. The world and the body consciousness are not different, it is the same, identical thing.

Stabilize in awareness

You know you are - that itself is awareness. Effortlessly, with confidence stay in the knowledge of your existence. Do nothing, place your attention there and observe.

For daily worldly affairs protect your body but don't identify with the body. You have the knowledge "I am" that comes from body. Be attentive to that fact.

The moment the feeling "I am" appears, the world appears. "I am" is not just related to your body creation, it is not in isolation. The knowledge "I am" is like air, it is knowledge as such. By being aware of your "I am" knowledge you will gradually lower identification with the body. When that happens you will be aware that "I am" sense is not separate, you will be aware of "I amness" or Beingness which you know better as sense of presence.

Observe "I amness" or presence carefully by doing absolutely nothing. Just be with attention prior to words, without any efforts.

Beingness, Knowledge, Consciousness, "I amness", Presence, Existence, Awareness... are the same thing. They are different words for your attention. They are used in different perspective but they point to this: you are different from it. You as you really are are aware of it. Whatever you can be aware of you are not that. This is the final understanding, the self-realization.

With what identity do you recognize yourself?

Everything, all teachings and spiritual practices come down to a single issue: What is your deepest, the final conviction, of who you are? 

Without feeling "I am", still you are!

Just as you are not your clothes that you wear, similarly you are not this body. That is most important step. Slowly and effortlessly realize that you are just like space, the beginning and end of everything. 

Start with the body. From the body you get knowledge "I am". Don't get involved in the daily experiences. Observe them staying in the knowledge "I am". Just be. This is how you dissolve identification with the body. 

You are slowly coming to conclusion that the world is spontaneously happening out of whatever your real nature is. You are free from the world feeling your self not to be an individual, finally you realize there are no others, it is all consciousness.

When your individuality is dissolved you will not see individuals anywhere, it is just functioning in consciousness.

To be one with THAT by which you know you exist is meditation. 


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