Why do you keep searching for love?


You got it all wrong my friend. In deep recess of your personal make up you strongly believe that part of your nature is to seek relationships that will help you feel understood, heard, and accepted. If you look closely, though, you may see that you searching for validation of yourself shows your low self-esteem, nothing else.

The indication of low self-esteem is exactly craving for acceptance and validation because it helps boost non existent persona, and this is essential for continuation of self imagination. 

Your search for love! Had it a beginning? Will it have an end?

I hear you, your problem is that in today’s world, finding somebody you can trust and build a meaningful relationship with is very, very difficult.

According to the online dating site, as many as 8 out of 10 people will date online at some point in their lives. Modern dating has become impersonal, superficial, based on appearance rather than a character.

But, lets not go to challenges of modern dating. To understand why this is happening, lets first examine what love is and why you are seeking it. So here is the question for you:

In your search for love what exactly are you searching for? 

What would you prefer, to love or to be loved? 

Whichever way you put it, unless you love there is no happiness. 

However, does love make you always happy? 

If you loved one suffers, don't you suffer too? And do you end your love, because you suffer? Must love and happiness come and go together? 

I will tell you in plain words what's going on... My friend your love is merely the expectation of pleasure!!!

If you don't agree with me, then what is love? 

For me, love is a state of being rather than a state of mind.

You don't need to know that you love in order to love. Did you not love your mother unknowingly? Your craving for her contact, for an opportunity to love her, is it not the love itself? 

Love is a part of you. You loved your mother, because you loved her.

Go down to the very roots of your Self. It is your complete ignorance of yourself, that covered up your love and happiness and made you seek for what you had never lost. 

Being happy and making others happy - this is love.

Bluebird by Charles Bukowski


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