The Way Out

Zee Mark

Who Owns the World is the title of a documentary, describing how Big Money controls not only every aspect of your life, but has a stranglehold on every government, the political UN body, as well as every UN agency, and all industries and services of this globe.

These largest investors are BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. These same investment groups also control over 90% of the world’s major media. They know no limits, no ethics and adhere to no human or human rights standard.

They are closely linked, to the point where their management is largely interchangeable for example Vanguard is BlackRock’s largest shareholder, meaning that they control BlackRock. Though Vanguard is not transparent about its own shareholders, Vanguard is owned by the richest families on earth. Vanguard has been created to hide their investments and money transactions.

Through non-profit organizations, like the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, Rothschild Foundation, JPMorgan Foundation, Clinton Foundation, Bush Foundation, Albert DuPont Charity Trust and so on, billions of “donation” money is transferred tax-free to Vanguard. 

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest funder of WHO. It also controls GAVI, the vax-alliance – and is therefore the most influential organization over human health and death.

These same people, alias Foundations, also own Blackrock – which is why BlackRock and Vanguard are interchangeable or can act as one, if it is to their advantage, an omnipotent vicious circle.

They need your consent to play against you

I'm telling you for a long time something you do not want you to know. This world is not a natural physical world, it is rather a holographic reality where your mind dictates matter. You as an observer are active participant for all events happening here.

It is said that the world is a simulation because it is has been manipulated by predictive programming to lead you to believe certain things in a certain way, their way. The elites doing everything possible to guide the sheep to end of humanity as we know it.

There is nothing to fear. Your are part of this and you partake in the collective mind. Only you own reality! You have gift of speech and intellect which makes you a human being but your powers are limited by keeping this information away from yourself by endless propaganda, wars, deliberate economic, collapses which cause instability in the world.

It is all around you so you may never get out of survival mode and ask yourself the deeper questions. Your mind free from all the dogmas, manipulation and predictive programming is about taking your power back in your personal life and doing your part in the collective by bringing about a bright future for Humanity collectively.

These few families of the elites who have been ruling for a long time will rule no more because you will have withdrawn your consent to give them what they want by refusing to play their games of war and endless false flags.

The elites desperately wants you to agree to their plans, nothing sells better than fear.

It is all illusion, everything here is false, not true

Stay awake, don't get lost in the illusion.

Despite writing this blog and sharing spiritual teachings with you, I do still very frequently find myself lost in the illusion. That is the nature of this simulation, I lose myself in an immersion to the point of complete forgetfulness of who I really am are so I understand you very well.

The world we are living is a neutral field, full of potential and it responds to our intents. The nature is filled with a burning desire to achieve something giving you power of creativity and imagination to use this infinite potential.

Whatever is strongly intended appears from the world in flesh. What even is the Placebo Effect?

Can you explain how a person is healed from an illness even though we gave him fake medicine? If a person believes that the drug they have been given will heal them this strong intention is presented to universe and response comes.
This reality might not be so consistent and natural. There was a story of a man who got into freezer truck. Suddenly doors were shut and locked, while man was still inside. They found him in the morning, he was dead, frozen. The thing is, the freezer was turned off, the truck engine was not running, the temperature inside was around 20 C.

It is a false premise that we live in a natural solid world. This is how predictive programming works. Predictive programming works like rituals as rituals are programming blueprints for the hypnosis of the masses. They are inducing state of receptiveness in the masses by movies, songs, sports, news and other entertaining services to get into subconscious mind of unsuspecting victims.

Why they don’t want you to know this?

They make a jokes of free thinkers, don't laugh, because be sure that you are the subject of their jokes. You are the energy source, you provide them with the energy they desperately need to keep on ruling over this world. 

You are not lonely, poor and lost 

They will never tell you that the world is inside you. You are not inside the world.

Today, everything is available for you on the internet to figure out what is going on in the world. Find out and stop participating in the games of the elites and your government, stop relying on them and they will cease to exist in their current form.

Save yourself as an individual, start with yourself, apply what you know, make the perfect life for yourself and people dear to you. Once you begin to do great, others will follow you because they will get curious as to how you are doing better than them.

The objective of the world is to awaken you as the immortal by using the gift of speech and intellect. As you are now, you are lost in the illusions of race, nationality, religion, politics and all other distractions in this world.

Remember, it's all created by the powers that apply the age-old tactic of divide and rule. 1% of people, a small minority can only rule over the majority if the majority is divided and ignorant. Exercise your gifts which get you closer to your real self, the immortal self, your time to awaken has come.

Awaking is the way out
Make no mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true. – Adyashanti
Spiritual awakening is no walk in the park. You'll discover your own ugliness, your lies, pretense, hypocrisy, fears... a pain itself. Thin-skinned, heart-oriented, addicted-to-comfort, need not even start the path of awakening. And if you decide to do it, leave your hopes behind. It’s an illusion anyway.

In order to gain the ability to learn about yourself, to have fun with your inherent hypocrisy, and to have a good sense of humor in regards to your sleepy consciousness as an imperfect human being, you must first have the capacity to see things as they are, which requires brutal self-honesty, ruthless self-investigation and self-observation.

Brutal self-observation forces you to face your own demons. It pushes you to confront your most personal stupidities and to question all authorities, especially yourself. It forces you to face the abyss of the human condition, seeing clearly unavoidable truth: impermanence. 

You discover that you are just another mortal being. The discovery slaps you across the face with its absolute mockery of your situation. You face the universe and your existence as the almighty cosmic joke, making damn certain you realize we’re the subject of that joke.

For that reason, it is of paramount importance that you use your sense of humor. When you laugh at yourself you loosen up. A bit. You suddenly go from being the subject of the joke, to laughing at the joke. When you can laugh at yourself you are allowing yourself to be insane and to know that you're insane. 

Self observation, remembrance and honesty leads to humility

Without self-honesty, you’re stuck with the comfortable day-to-day deception, suppression, oppression and finally depression. After discovery that impermanence is only permanent thing in this universe you will start seeing your own lies. You will see that everything you think, say and do are just projection of your lying mind.

This one is arguably the most painful. The culprit of all seeing is the seeing that you don't exist. Ah simple words which do not make any sense. Are they? The essence of you will never admit this, but truth is there like an abyss staring into you. The real you is no-thing and you have to see it for yourself.

Yes, I am talking about your ego annihilation process, a burning down of your expectations and hopes, a total disintegration of your personality. And you descend. And so you lose yourself and you may scream out. The only way to proceed at this point is humility, the scary, uncomfortable state of forgiving. It’s a tearing down of the walls that protect you from the world.

Humility hurts because it is the ultimate letting go of yourself.


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