The Cross of Christ

Zee Mark

The only sin you do in this world is that you believe that this world is true

That is a meaning of Jesus Christ on the cross. It is actually you, in this world.

Your thoughts take all your attention and it effectively blind you in the vicious circle of "what-if". 

What-if is the mind, what if this or that happens, what if I lose my girlfriend, what if I lose my job, what if I have an accident...

Jesus Christ had to die, in order to raise to Heaven. So "you" also have to die, your personality must die, everything that you believe, cherish and hold to, so dearly, in your mind have to die.

Let me be straightforward as much as I can... You exist forever but your personality has no existence, the world has no existence, the universe is a big lie, without you it is not there. You were never born so you cannot die. Personality is born and it will die.

There are no problems

Believe it or not but there never were any problems, there are no problems today, and there will never be problems in the future.

If you have a strong identity, personality, strong opinions, firm character, then there are problems, because your personality always gets into trouble of some kind. There is always friction of your expectations and the "reality". But if you learn to forget yourself, where are problems?

Try to see for yourself the falseness of everything in this world including your personality.

Unfortunately, many of you believe in a official news. Even you say you do not, you actually do. You have programmed in such a way that you strongly believe that there is a cause for everything. In truth  there is no cause. There isn't any cause for anything. Everything in this world is happening spontaneously, randomly, without any cause.

Since there is no cause there is no effect. So don't look at reasons, for why you are like you are, or this world is like it is. You have to accept simple fact that "you" are not and the world is not, "you" and the world are just temporary appearance.

The ideas, concepts, notions, feelings, attitudes make up your world

Have you noticed, all your thinking is related to fear. You don't know who-you-are so you are afraid.

In young age, your thinking is about your appearance, the presentation in this world, you fear getting married. As you get older you fear about your family, about things you have, you fear getting divorced, and you try to acquire things as much as you can, so having them, you fear of losing them, as a old person, you fear poverty, you fear getting sick, and finally you fear death.

Whatever you fear is a lie created by your mind, created by your own stupidity. Nothing matters in this world. What matters is how you react to the events, how you see it, what you expect and hope of it. This is true of every aspect of your life.

You've been trained to believe that world is true, since you were a kid. Kindergarten brainwashed you, your family, the school, the system brainwashed you, and here you are, reading this page to the end. 

I'm impressed.


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