Truth About Birth

Zee Mark

You got this life for only one purpose - to know and be "who you really are"! 

"Who you are", well, obviously, you already are, but you are not aware of "who you are". The attention is the most important thing in life and it is the only thing that you really have.

The main spiritual practice is keeping your attention in the place before words sprout. That place is a simple existence, it cannot be described. It comes before "I am" sense, before your feeling of individuality.

"I am" sense is the sense of presence. It is a bridge between you ("who you really are"), the observer, and the world (the events happening around, including your physical body and your emotions).

You cannot be responsible for the world. What's going on, what is happening should not be your concern. It is all random happenings. The events go on and on, spontaneously, effortlessly without your influence. Your main concern is how you process those events, how you see them, what do you think about them.

You need to be concerned about "your" thoughts because thoughts carry you on  and steal your attention, you easily forget "who you really are", you became what you think. 

Attention is a tricky matter, you are what you are aware of. So if you're thinking, you are that -  unfortunately, you're nothing but an endless worry. 

The identification with thoughts vs expectations you have, generates your emotions. A simple statement that must be explained... 

You believe that you are born at the certain moment, you call it - birthday. Have you ever consider what was born? 

Two bodies, male and female, had fun time and in an act of ecstasy, a new body was created. The first 2 years, since the new body was created, that (I don't know how to call it) that ignorant body did not have a clue of its existence. It did not know itself. It was a pure ignorance, without any attention whatsoever, so others had to take care of it. 

In those 2 years the main thing for new created body was food. By eating, the body grows, internal organ develops... and not only that, the food brings "I am" sense too. Around 2 years after the birth, the body finally knows "I Am", it is aware of its existence. On that very moment attention is created.

The food brings attention, the attention means awareness and that is life. 

Leave some food, leftovers from your dinner, in a hot day and soon, tiny worms will start mingling inside it... the life indeed comes from food.

Anyway, the new created body after 2 years has "I am" sense, it now can be called "child" because it has started knowing its parents. The personality starts developing by constant repetition of words. The child interprets those words according to the wishes and desires brought forward from the moment of conception.

This is what has actually been born.. the wishes, desires and understanding!!! They were taken from some other life, previous life, your life or some other life, from this or some other planet... whatever.

On the base of "I am" sense the personality grows by every passing day. The child (personality) grows and it forms itself according to the original wishes, desires and understanding that is composed of... but I will not about personality, I wrote before, and I will write about it some other time.

You, as you really are, have never been born. You exist! 

There is no death and birth for you. You exist forever and all this (the world) have come upon you by physical body. You gain life in order to find out who you really are. I may tell you but you need to understand and think this matter by yourself. 


Key points

1. **Purpose of Life**: The purpose of life is to know and be aware of "who you really are," implying a deeper understanding of the self beyond mere surface-level identity.

2. **Importance of Attention**: Attention is the key aspect of spiritual practice. By focusing attention on the place before thoughts arise, one can access a state of pure existence beyond individuality.

3. **Sense of Presence ("I am" sense)**: The sense of presence is a bridge between the observer (the true self) and the external world. It's one's primary concern should be how they process events and thoughts rather than the events themselves.

4. **Identification with Thoughts**: Go against being consumed by thoughts, as this can lead to losing touch with one's true self and becoming overwhelmed by worries and expectations.

5. **Origin of Self**: The sense of "I am" emerges around the age of two, influenced by the body's growth and development as well as the environment and interactions with others.

6. **Eternal Existence**: The true self is eternal and not subject to birth or death suggests a continuity beyond physical existence.

The introspection, mindfulness, and questioning of one's fundamental understanding of self and existence is what life is all about. This understanding of spirituality, psychology, and metaphysics gives you a perspective on the nature of reality and the human experience.


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