On the Road to Infinity

Zee Mark

The quest

You are born with an innate thirst for truth. The truth is not something to be learned or acquired in life. You are, but you don't know who you are. The question is there from the very beginning and you must know truth of your being. It is not curiosity.

Truth gives you conviction. Only with conviction can you lead purposeful life. Your behavior is governed by your conviction.

You are born searching for your own being. You're incomplete until you find that supreme principle by which you can explain your existence in this world and discover the purpose and meaning of your life.


Billions of human beings never bother about this. 

If you happen to ask these questions, people easily destroys your curiosity. The world has very sophisticated ways and means to finish up your quest, to remove the questions from your mind, or at least cover it up.

You're told by religion that you are a soul, that you are a spirit, that you are not a body, that you are not material. You believe that you have a life after death, but you never consider do you live right now.

In communist countries you are told that you are a body, just material, and that story about soul is just a superstition. 

In both cases you are being given an answer. Early on, your mind was delicate and pure; you trusted your mother, your father, your teacher – there is no reason for you not to trust.

From very early in your life you have created beliefs, and those beliefs kill your quest. 

You went to school, you became more and more knowledgeable. Education and science, two cornerstones of bullshit, well, there was no end to collecting knowledge. 

Even now, you're collecting the futile knowledge, not only futile, but false, because the very first step has gone wrong. 

The question of who you are was not asked, and all the subsequent answers implanted in your mind are nothing but bullshit.


The search for truth is really the search for reality of your being. You cannot understand yourself because then it is you (who understands) and your being (what is to be understood), duality is still there. 

You have to be. 

Once you have entered into the being, you are the whole world. For that you need to be brave, not to be afraid of yourself. On that point there can be no compromise, no cheap borrowed knowledge.

Just be pure, spontaneous and natural, and out of that purity, naturalness, openness, innocence, your being relive itself.

Socrates was condemned for corrupting people, and all that he was doing was the simple process of removing borrowed knowledge and helping his disciples to see the falseness of their beliefs, and to be themselves - “to know thyself.” 

Why are you afraid? 

Your entire existence is unfounded. Everything what you believe to be true is wrong. Your knowledge, your answers are bogus because you don’t even have questions, you are only repeating things, parrot-like. You don’t have any understanding even of things you know.

The knowledge is the greatest crime in the world in which, unfortunately, you are living.

Your knowledge blinds you, you are lost in a jungle of words, theories, doctrines, dogmas. There are so many, and they are so contradictory to each other, that soon you will find yourself more and more confused.

The intellectuals are people who think too much, who complicate things and pay attention to the knowledge only. They are already dead, physically alive but spiritually they are walking zombies.

Intellectuality is ugly, it's absolute rubbish 

The useless knowledge has been poured upon you by others, and you are carrying a load of it. The load is such that it will not give you any opportunity to inquire on your own. 

Your think you know truth. You found it somewhere, in the Bible or in the science, your questions are answered, your quest is finished. All that you have has came outside of you; it is not yours, it's not your discovery. 

The knowledge that is not yours discovery is not real knowledge.


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