Enlightenment - The Ultimate Disappointment

Zee Mark

Nothing hold you back in life except your own beliefs, your convictions, something you think to be the case without actual evidence to prove it with certainty. Unfortunately, on the slippery base you're building your life. The events you experience are caused by your beliefs. If you want to change your condition start changing your beliefs.

The saying that you create your own reality has been part of our culture for thousand of years now, from The Buddha to Oprah Winfrey...

What you dwell upon you become. - The Buddha
It is done unto you as you believe. - Jesus Christ
Whatever a person’s mind dwells on intensely and with firm resolve, that is exactly what he becomes. - Shankaracharya
We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are. - Talmud
We become what we think about all day long. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you can dream it you can do it. - Walt Disney
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. - Napoleon Hill
Change your thoughts and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale
You see it when you believe it. - Wayne Dyer
Remember, you are co-creating your life with the energy of your own intentions. - Oprah Winfrey

If your relationships aren’t fulfilling, or if you’re struggling financially, or if care-giving for an elderly parent makes you depressed, making attitude adjustment will deliver you from suffering to joy. Start by changing how you see yourself and the world. You’ll be rewarded with peace of mind.

The main reason for your depression is your belief that your "inner" world are thoughts and constant inner chat. That your "outside" world are events and experiences. That is not a case! 

What you take as "inner" is actually outside of yourself, your thoughts are not your inner world. Your "inner" world is whatever you see and experience. While you are alive, you are consciousness, always moving and changing, creating and enjoying it's creation.

These are words of truth - not truth in quotation marks but truth in the real meaning of the word; truth which is not merely theoretical but truth that can be realized. 

Everything, including your sense of “I” is false. The world is but a show, glittering and empty. It is YOU who gives reality and meaning of all that. All is nothing. Every desire you carry leading you in a certain direction. Your relation to mother, father, children, lover, friends etc. are untrue. You believe in something that is ready to fool you. 

See your own meaninglessness first and then recognize the worthless of others. Stop being afraid from anyone or anything. 

When you see for yourself THAT YOU ARE NOTHING,  you will collapse in fear and confusion and you will acquire the greatest virtue of this world... humility. Until that happens to you, changing your beliefs is all theoretical, irrelevant.

Everyone wants to be somebody, and no one wants to be a nobody. 

You are frustrated in your life because you take it as a quest for significance. Present social system of elitism allows only select few to "succeed". For the majority, the life is just wanting. You remain driven by the desire to be somebody. 

You wonder, is humility practical? You can agree that humility is a nice quality in others, because you feel safe and comfortable around people who are humble. But when it comes to yourself, you may consider humility a hindrance to success and a recipe of failure.

Changing your beliefs has nothing to do with personal ambitions for worldly success. Real fulfillment can be achieved only through knowing who you are and being what you are meant to be. 

A clear sense of false identity cannot be seen from external circumstances; it can only be seen on the foundation of humility. 

Clear sense of purpose cannot be found in search of success; it can only be based on a deep conviction of your own nothingness.

There are different ways you may come to experience nothingness in your life, usually by contemplating your own human condition. 

Deeply think about the cosmos. Consider the vastness of the universe, that there are billions upon billions of galaxies with trillions upon trillions of stars and our sun is just one such star and our planet just a single small planet among trillions planets in our galaxy. You may become aware of how insignificant you are and may experience a sense of nothingness in relation to your own existence.

Or, contemplate about the amazing numbers of people that have come before you and the number of people that will come into this world after you are gone, and when you see yourself for what you are, you may also experience your utter insignificance.

When you are confronted with death you suddenly become aware of your own mortality. Those are special moments in your life and they are inevitable, they happens when somebody who is close to you dies. You too are on the path of annihilation, and this realization, together with the lack of understanding of any purpose in your existence, would lead you to the experience of meaninglessness and insignificance.
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale,
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.

~ Shakespeare
The experience of nothingness, you should be after, is through turning inward and making your own individuality disappear by power of your understanding. When you're zero you are the infinite.

The experience of nothingness is death of your ego and the encounter with what-you-really-are. Such an experience is expressed as the highest form of humility. For your ego, your personality, that moment is the ultimate disappointment.


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