Fulfilling my part of being a parent

Zee Mark

My daughter was the entire day with me yesterday. Her internet connection was broken so she called me to pick her up at 8 am. She came to my place and I drove her back around 5 pm. 

I am a good father, maybe too good. I don't allow her anything to do while she is with me. She was working her job, I was working mine but everything that needs to be done around the house was on me. She came, and it started, bring me this or that... I made coffee, prepared breakfast, served fruits, washed three machines of clothes she had brought, made salads and lunch... and on the end I washed all dishes.

When she left, when I finally arrived home, around 6 pm, I was exhausted. I went to sleep at 7:30 pm and woke up at 3 am. 

I don't complain. I don't blame her for not helping me. I was the same when I was her age. I remember my mother would do anything for me and my sister and nothing was so difficult for her. She would make us pancakes (crapes) at midnight if we were to ask.

Now, I am just fulfilling my part of being a parent in this life.

I'm thinking about this generation that my daughter belongs. They are called Millennials (or Generation Y). Unlike my generation, Generation X, they are not satisfied with the world around them and they are not too ambitious. The millennial generation is labeled as being lazy, narcissistic and spoiled. In fact, in 2014, Time magazine labeled them as the me-me-me generation.

I see that in front of my eyes. Looking into my daughter's life I can clearly see the aimlessness of her ambitions. Her generation live this life in a cubicle, nothing to live for, nothing to fight for. It's impossible for them to save money and buy a condo or a house. They are stuck to be dependable of the parents they don't really like.

What? Do you really, really like your parents?

I hear you, yes, the people live their life for children. I'm tired of all this crap I have to listen about children. That's all I hear about, everywhere... Raising children is getting entirely too much attention.

Regardless if you're married or divorced, single dads or working moms, please stop thinking you're such fucking hero for raising your kids. I have to tell you for your own good: your children are overrated and overvalued, and you've turned your life in a wrong way. Eventually you'll end up being disappointed...

Live your life instead the life of your kids, that's not healthy. Well, you love your kids. So what?! I love my daughter but I'm not making a big fuss about it. Everybody loves their children; the love doesn't make you special. What I'm talking about is this constant, mindless concerns, this neurotic fixation that suggests that somehow your life has to revolve around the lives of your kids. It's completely insane.

My ex was so preoccupied with my daughter I have no words to describe it. Dragging her all over town in search of empty, meaningless activities to kill time: school excursions, skating, swimming, soccer, karate, piano, tennis, bale, salsa, and who knows what else. It's absurd. 

You want to help your kids? Leave them alone!
The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. 

Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. 

They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society.

Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. 

These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted. 

 – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
Life of "normal" people is empty and the kids are an escape for facing that fact. 

In the last three years, my daughter did not give me a single present, not even for birthdays. She is working in the last five years and she supports herself but I still send her money on a monthly basis to make her life easier... 

I wonder where I did mistake in her up-bringing. I have made her to be selfish and unconcerned for others. That's not what I wanted. Maybe, on the end, I am not so good father I'm thinking I was.


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