I have no character at all

Zee Mark

You may not be able to define person's character because you are unsure of what that person likes or doesn't like, but just imagine yourself being in a situation like me. The recent experience of buying a carpet for my condo has convinced me that I definitely lack character. I have seen it in plain sight that I have no basic life's principle, something that I can rely on. 

It was plain and so obvious. 

It's all started with an online order. It was November 1st when I bought a carpet at Walmart. I indicated that I will pick up the carpet in the nearby store. 

Next two weeks, I tracked the delivery. It was shipped from US, immediately, the same day I ordered it. Next 2 weeks my package was in transit, mailing processing, customs, and finally arrived at the Walmart store on November 13.

I was expected the carpet to be ready for pick up in a day or two but that was not a case. 5 days passed nothing was happening. I called the store, wrote an email, texted with their AI bullshit correspondent and finally got customer service representative, I was very irritated, pissed off, why my order is not ready for pick up.

On November 22 I called them again and I told them to cancel my order. I contacted the PayPal which I used to pay the order. I explained them the situation and I opened cancellation request. I called their customer support again, I was swearing being so rude. I requested to cancel my order and return me money.

And I thought that was it. But, on November 27 I got an email from them advising me to come and pick up the carpet, my order was ready. Okay I said, I will take it and I will tell them how bad their service was.

I went to Walmart store where is the pick up area. I told a guy who was there that I came for my order and he told me to wait a bit. 

In 5 minutes a gorgeous woman appeared with a shopping card and the carpet in it. She was a tall beautiful woman in her 30ies, long legs nylon socks, high heels... a mini skirt and blue Walmart short jacket.. I was stunned when I saw her green eyes and long black hair. She said she is Laura, a customer care rep.

She told me that she has been advised it was a delay of my order. She was smiling pleasantly looking at my eyes. I was lost. I said, it's okay, yes it was the delay but it's okay.

She apologized in the name of Walmart and she gave me the shopping car with the carpet. She asked me am I willing to fill out a short survey about my shopping experience. I reluctantly say OK and she insisted that I open my phone and do it right away, they were already sent the survey link.. So, I did it.

She came close to me looking into my phone, I could smell her hair. I looked the first question and it was about overall customer satisfaction for the Walmart online purchase... I looked in her eyes and I said.. it was.. it was okay, from 1 to 10, I'll give 8, oh, no, lets do 9. and I pressed 9.

I don't remember the other questions but for all of them I pressed 8 or 9...  finally there was a text box where you have to write something.. so I wrote "Laura was so very helpful". She smiled and she told me wait I have a present for you, and she left behind the door.

She returned and gave me 2 small Bueno chocolates, you know those Kinder small chocolate bars. I took it and I said thank you so much feeling like a small child rewarded for a good behavior. She said bye and she left...

I was taking the carpet to my car thinking what a man I am... a spineless moron. 

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