Spiritual Enlightenment The Damnedest Thing

Zee Mark

BY CONTINUING BEYOND THIS POINT, the reader acknowledges and agrees that the state of Spiritual Enlightenment discussed herein conveys upon the seeker-aspirant-victim no benefits, boons, blessings, or special powers and bears little or no resemblance to assorted New Age or Eastern varieties widely dispensed under the same name. 

Orgasmic euphoria, orgiastic bliss, obscene wealth, perfect health, eternal peace, angelic ascension, cosmic consciousness, purified aura, astral projection, pandimensional travel, extrasensory perception, access to akashic records, profound wisdom, sagely demeanor, radiant countenance, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence and opening of the third eve are not likely to result.

Tuning, harmonizing, balancing, energizing, reversing or opening of the chakras should not be expected. The kundalini serpent dwelling at the base of the spine will not be awakened, poked, prodded, raised, or otherwise molested.

- Jed McKenna

Dear reader beware, about 80% of the spiritually inclined people who read it become fucked up and depressed for about 2-4 weeks after reading it. If you are the type of person who sweeps reality under a rug or needs to be handled with kid gloves... this book is probably not for you.

For me it quite frankly the most influential book I have read, and my current life philosophy is based around some of the core concepts of the book.

This is the most complete book on enlightenment I've ever read no bull straight talk it's there in plain sight for all who really want to wake up to see and understand. Truth only exist but you don't really know it until you see and destruct your personality, beginning by telling yourself the truth about your spiritual journey that has always been and still is the ultimate trick of Illusion!

McKenna is the anti-spiritual guy. If you have read hours upon hours of Eckhart Tolle, studying Osho, Jiddu Krishnamurti or Alan Watts, or some American philosophers like Ken Wilbur, Harold Kushner, Rupa Spira, if you are followed Zen or Buddhism, meditating and trying to become part of the evolving global consciousness... well, McKenna cuts through all that bullshit.

If you really want to wake up...not talk about it, not long for it, not play with the idea, not be trapped - this is the teaching. It is so powerful because of McKenna’s writing style. It’s very easy to read, and it reads quick, but don't be fooled, it is a forceful and crude writing style. It puts the truth right in your face. You really can’t deny it.

What is the truth? What is the meaning of life? There is no meaning. Everything you do, every identity you create in life, is in fear of the fact that your life has no meaning.  Fear that nothing really matters and living is futile. This nihilistic attitude associated with McKenna's definition of enlightenment is a little depressing, but that really is inherent if everything is futile.

But as you rightly understand this truth, you truly understand the existence as a whole so you can now live your life as you please, choose whatever costume you like. This is where the understanding of this philosophy can help you.

If you are a spiritual seeker, you will most certainly feel exasperated. And grateful. If you are not, very hardly you will begin here, and that's not a bad thing. Few books will challenge you more. Jed makes painfully plain all the hardships of the path. The steep, slippery path it is. Few authors have made that clear how difficult and doubtful is this journey.

McKenna explains that there is no reason to become enlightenment, how would your ego every decide to destroy itself? It takes a cataclysmic event to even take that first step towards “destroying the ego.” What he explains is more attainable, and a better way to live is spiritual adult, which is what he talks about in the following books after this.
The truth is that enlightenment is neither remote nor unattainable. It is closer than your skin and more immediate than your next breath. If we wonder why so few seem able to find that which can never be lost, we might recall the child who was looking in the light for a coin he dropped in the dark because “the light is better over here.”

Mankind has spent ages looking in the light for a coin that awaits us not in light and not in dark, but beyond all opposites. That is the message of this book: Spiritual Enlightenment, pure and simple.
Spiritual Enlightenment The Damnedest Thing is the first in a trilogy of books.  I’ve read all three, but I recommend the first book.

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