The truth is simple... but terrifying

Zee Mark

Be Yourself is quite possibly the most commonly used phrase in the history of advice - Be Yourself. Don't be someone else, be yourself! 

Do you ever wonder what is "yourself"? 

You are not anything that you can observe. Very act of observation separates the observer from the observed. 

You can look at your physical body, you are not the body. 

You can observe your feelings... your depression, moroseness, sadness. On some occasions you may notice that everything is just fine, for a brief moment you feel happy and satisfied. You can see it, so you are not your emotions and feelings.

You take your inner state to be thoughts, considerations, plans, fears. You think and talk about anything imaginable. You project, assume and believe. The thinking based on that. You can see clearly that your thoughts are coming and going, constantly. You can observe thoughts you definitely you are not thoughts.

So you are not your body, emotions, feelings, you are not thoughts, so it's the most logical question that should be asked at this point.. who or what the fuck are you?
One thing alone is certain, that man's slavery grows and increases. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man... ~ Gurdjieff
The truth is simple... but terrifying 

You live with the mistaken identity! You have assumed to be what you are not. 

The constant stream of thoughts and energetic burst of emotions and feelings create a pseudo entity you take yourself to be. You have taken to be a personality with likes and hates, completely enmesh in thoughts and fears, just like any other animal on this planet.

Have you noticed that you are still driven by fear of being hungry? Besides all your actions lies this fear then comes the fear of not being liked,  not being supported by society, then fear of future, of old age, and finally the fear of death. Fear of death is actually the fear of no-self. 

In the subconscious, in your gut, you feel that you are making mistake of what you take yourself to be, you know it clearly, but you don't want to consciously admit that. So you have this fear, the fear that you actually don't exists at all.

That is a Self-Realization

You step on the Path searching for Truth, for God, for the meaning of life... and you proceed, step by step, by observation of others, of yourself, your behavior and your feelings and thoughts... you meditate, chant, pray, whatever, you go to church or you visit ashram, go to lectures of various "gurus", you are reading self-help books, you contemplate the spiritual teachings, study the old scriptures or you just read The Bible...

You are on the Path thinking how wonderful you are, how sensitive, how unique. You are not unique! You are uninteresting example of mechanical automation, so common, so predictable, so weak - defensible and easily offensible.

You live your life by playing different roles with different people. You have assumed a "sample", a certain image of yourself... for your spouse, for you children, your parents, for coworkers, for a lover, for a poor guy on the street, for a boss... 

"I am so and so" image is behind all your interaction with other people. You move around the world, "living your life", implementing various advices from different people and teachings, various techniques, methods what you understand as good and beneficial to you. 

All your beliefs and assumptions, based on your habits, practices and instructions, you cherish so dearly, are bullshit. A grand bullshit is that you are growing up, becoming better, smarter and wiser... You are just getting older, nothing else.

The truth is that you're living your life in a deep misery, so fearful of the future but you don't want to leave the fear alone... you want to worry, you like worrying, oooh, how you worry, twenty-six hours a day! And what do you worry about?... About you! What about you? What's in this shitty world is for you? What's gonna happen to you?

Horrendous but fascinating!
We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing. ~ Charles Bukowski
Change your attitude! The real wisdom is related to recognition of what is true, everlasting, and what is not.


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