Silver Lining of Depersonalization

Zee Mark

For your info, the silver lining in English means an advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation. So here we go...

I wanted to write a post about Depersonalization and Derealization (DPDR) mental heath issues for a long time. I have noticed that the goal of spiritual awakening is exactly the same as the DPDR disorder. 

Depersonalization is a mental heath problem that refers to the feeling of disconnection from one's body, thoughts, emotions, or identity. It is described as a feeling of being detached from oneself, often observing oneself from the outside. 

Derealization involves a sense of detachment from one's surroundings, seeing the world as a dream and the body as a robot like machine.

Psychiatrists indicate that DPDR disorder is caused by prolong use of marijuana and other drugs, stress or trauma, long periods of anxiety and depression and other mental heath conditions but they say it can also occur in people who are experiencing spiritual awakening or enlightenment.

Please note, if you are experiencing depersonalization and it is causing you distress, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. Psychiatrist can help you understand the cause of your symptoms and provide you with support and treatment. 

I am not suggesting that you seek guidance from a spiritual teacher, obviously you lack a deeper understanding of the spiritual context of your experience and I think their guidance and support will not be helpful. 

Spiritual awakening is a lonely journey that is unique to each individual. It is not walking in the park, the genuine awakening is challenging and transformative psychological process. It is important to be clear of your intentions and purpose, sound minded and careful. 

Spiritual practices bring experiences. That is okay if they are taken as such, as experiences. They are a part of your personal growth and development. Derealization and depersonalization are one of these experiences and they can be associated with mental health challenges if you are not prepared.

Those experiences can scare you without really having a reason to do so. They are not dangerous and they are transient. They are part of spiritual maturity but if they are induced suddenly by stress and trauma it can cause the challenge.

Depersonalization, as any mental heath disorder, comes in episodes, when your individual's consciousness changes, so you become aware of the unreality of your psychological self. If you are unprepared without spiritual knowledge, this is a terrifying. You are simultaneously identified with your inner monologue, but you also see its illusory nature. 

What makes this experience particularly frightening is that it is impossible to adequately describe, because it is exactly this experience that language was designed to hide. 

In DPDR disorder, you do not enter into new psychological state (5th dimension or any expanded consciousness), but rather you becomes aware of an aspect of experience that you had previously been unconsciously ignoring. The faculty of your mind with constant thinking process actually screens out this aspect of experience.

DPDR feels like you're an observer of your thoughts, feelings, your body or parts of your body — for example, as if you were floating in air above yourself. This can bring panic attacks, shortness of breath and other issues. You're feeling like a robot not in control of your speech or movements. You experience an emotional numbness and a sense that your memories lack emotion, and that they may or may not be your own memories.

Enlightenment is similar but at the same time quite different than DPDR episodes. There is no “you” observing anything from anywhere. It is not experience it is a kind of understanding. You don’t “feel like” anything. There is no “you” that can feel like a robot or whatever...

It all comes down to the question: 

Are you ready for enlightenment?

DPDR is normal. It’s not considered normal by medical society, they make money on it, so they will say there’s something wrong with you. Enlightenment is basically the ultimate depersonalization, it is complete when there’s no more "you" left.

Don’t expect any support from society, most will just think you’re crazy. And in a way, you are. What is the difference, you have already went insane all your life having a person in your head who was telling you what to do, what to feel. 

You have to go through your insanity to become sane. You don’t have to talk to anyone about what you’re going through, but don’t be afraid - it is to be expected. And don’t do anything drastic or stupid. Just witness it, that’s all that is needed. 

Your persona was never real to begin with.


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