Whatever Changes Is Not Real!

Zee Mark
“John, how you've changed! You were so tall and you've grown so short. You were so well built and you've grown so thin. You were so fair and you've become so dark. What happened to you, John?” John says, “I’m not John. I’m George.” “Oh, you changed your name too!”

Look at a photo of yourself as a teenager and it’s likely you see traces of the same person with the same personality as you are today. Well, you are not the same person, over the time your personality changes completely. This is what recent study of personhood has proven.

The article, Our personalities change beyond recognition from 14 to 77 is very interesting. The longest personality study of all time, published in Psychology and Aging suggests that over the course of a lifetime, just as your physical appearance changes and your cells are constantly replaced, your personality is also transformed beyond recognition.

Personality refers to your characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior, together with the psychological mechanisms behind those patterns. Your patterns of thought, emotions, and behavior are drastically altered over the decades, so you cannot truly be considered the same person in old age as you were as a teenager.

Whatever changes is not real!

In article, Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World, published by Waking Times, it is said that our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. What the author has missed is the very important fake item... "I am" is fake, "personality" is fake.

Freedom is an abstract term and it is related to bondage. If there is slavery then there is freedom. Indeed, the basic restrain in this world is your psychological state for this feeling of identity, personality, "me".

The basic slavery is the feeling of the self. The feeling of yourself is the bondage. And the freedom is freedom of "your personal self". 

The "I am" sense is false

On the basic imagination of "I am" feeling, which is just a memory of presence, you have created a grand 'I am the person' idea. But this is a mental state and does not last. It comes and goes like all other states. 

The illusion of being the person is here, only because it is not investigated. Non-investigation is the thread on which all the states of mind are based.

Do whatever you want to do in your life but be detached by understanding that things, events, people and yourself exist only in your imagination.

It is impossible to perceive the truth, you can only see the fake as fake, that is all that you can do, and seeing that helps you return to what is real. 

Don't trust your memory!

Somebody has sold you the idea that you were born and that memory stays very firm with you. Initially, you did not have this memory but your mother or somebody else rammed it down your throat. Subsequently, this concept was reinforced with steady effort like a driving a nail into a wall.

According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, things exist in accordance to whether there is an observer or not. New mind-blowing experiment confirms that reality doesn’t exist if you are not looking at it.

It basically suggests that you and the world are illusion and they exist only when you are active participant. Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case.

Do whatever you want to do in your life but be detached by understanding because whatever you're doing is an illusion. Things, events, people and yourself exist only in your imagination. It is impossible to perceive the truth, you can only see the false as the false, that is all that you can do.


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