Marry Christmas!

Zee Mark
Yesterday, my daughter arrived to Belgrade. My wedding party is on Thursday

Jesus Christ is born today, according to the Orthodox church which measures times according to Julian calendar. Is Jesus born on December 25 or January 7 is not so important, today in Serbia is a big national holiday where families get together and celebrate His Birth having festive meal.

Although born as a christian, I don't really feel like the one. Being not religious I don't follow any church or spiritual organization. I study and investigate the question of God, life and death, world and myself, my position in all that, very carefully and critically almost scientifically.

I strongly believe that the churches like the Orthodox or Catholic Christians or many different Islam churches... in fact any other organized spirituality make this world a very miserable place. While they all teach about love and respect between each other they actually divide people. They create separation and consequently hate.

On other hand, I don't support some universal spiritual teaching. "The spiritual but not religious" concept, popular these days, is not for me. I would like that we have a subject, starting from the elementary school, where kids will explore question of "Who Am I?" being serious about it and having a lots of fun.

The spirituality should never be forced upon anyone, the enlightenment, awakening, spiritual beliefs, or certain way of life are direct product of understanding and accepting "WHo you are". I will never try hard to convince people to turn towards awakening without really taking this facts into consideration their material needs.

No one can be pushed into spirituality. There is no person, there are ideas and beliefs. The imagined person cannot be advised to step on spiritual path because it has no existence. But this imagined person can investigate his imagination and things will change.

The fact is everyone needs to come to their own conclusions in life. Life is an opportunity, no matter how easy it is, it is so painstakingly obvious that events should be used for understanding about the falseness of that very thing and nothing else.  

The spiritual journey is beyond personality and daily life, sometimes by questioning reality it leaves you wondering. But you have to embrace the fear and follow it to the end. I'm not enlightened guy, I'm working on it. 

I still crave for attention of others, I look into acceptance and validation of my decisions. I often forget that myself and the world do not actually exist so I end up worrying. All fears in this world comes from the forgetfulness of things as they really are. 

The spirituality is one of the most connecting thing between people, but it is also one of the most solitary and individual experience. Awakening needs to be faced alone. All conclusion and realization yourself and the world, life and death should be your own and not hearsay knowledge.

This is why I write this blog. I am not forcing my beliefs onto you, the spirituality is a personal experience for everyone. I have escaped the rat race and I'm fine being as I am. I strive for total freedom and I wish you the same.

The only life you can live is your own; I cannot help you, actually no one can. Marry Christmas!


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