Only dead fish goes with the flow

Zee Mark

Do you want to know what are the most important things in life and why they are essential to achieve happiness and fulfillment? If you do then you are at the right place. I am going to disclose to you the secret of happiness.

The happiness is not something outside of you, it's your very nature. But in today's sick world, many of you are thrown by social status, materialistic possessions and luxuries – and how can I blame you? You are constantly being bombarded with the images of perfection includes these things...

In reality, however, status, designer products and expensive car and house are worth nothing; they won’t make you lastingly happy. 

The 5 Essential Things in Life

Regardless of where you are in the world, the most essential things on your life should include the following:

1. An Abstract Purpose

The most important thing in life that many disregard so easily is having a purpose for living. My dear friend, only dead fish goes with the flow. 

Without purpose, you won’t have the motivation for anything else, even something so simple such as getting out of bed in the morning. Not having a purpose makes you prone to depression and vulnerable to boredom, anxiety and meaninglessness.

My life purpose is to gain self-realization, to find out who am I, to know the truth. It is an abstract, impossible task, I put in front of me 22 years ago. What is your purpose, what are you trying to achieve in this life? Why are you born?

Having a strong sense of purpose gives you the most positive effect in life. You work hard because you are confident that one day you will make it, you will achieve it – and maybe that day will never come, this purpose is all that you need to follow to feel accomplished in life.

Sound strange, isn't it? Without sense of purpose all else does not have a meaning. 

I read so many articles on the net about this theme and everyone, no exception, says the most important thing in life is health. I disagree because the health is not something to be talked about. If you dwell to much on the subject of health you will end up being sick. That's how the universe works. It is so simple, the good health comes from having no stress and being physical active in your daily activities.

Having no stress depends of your level of awareness - how much are you awake in your life. Do you consider yourself to be an important person? What is your level of self-importance? Well, you answer for yourself, let me continue with the most essential things in life. The number 2...

2. Self-Reflection, Introspection of Daily Life

Have you ever observed your own thoughts or questioned your thinking? Do you sometimes take time to stop all that mind chatter and sit quietly in order to clarify present moment, to gain some light in the case of a doubt or an uncertainty? If you answered 'yeah, I do that, sometimes', you are no stranger to self-reflection and introspection. 

In self-reflection it is more important to ask questions than to get any definite answer. Actually, disregard the answers completely. 

If you have a problem in daily life, look at that from the all sides, be aware of the causes and eventual effects, see how you end up in such situation, ask many questions, try to be aware of self while doing that... and then let it go. 

Introspection will not tell you what to do because all depends on what you’re looking at. It is all about how you’re looking, and where you’re looking.

You need a daily quiet time where you can observe yourself, it’s not about fixing or changing your thoughts or emotions, but about noticing them.

So, how does this help exactly?

Self-reflection is not an innate, automatic or natural behavior or process that you do. It is a practice — it takes time. It is a life skill and doesn't take much time at all. Very few people do this. 

The reflection of life or introspection is bringing attention to yourself to the emotion that comes up, not identifying it as part of self, but simply noticing it and getting curious about it. When there is curiosity, there is no space for judgment. When there is no judgment, acceptance is much easier.

It’s a funny thing. When you are not so tied to your problem clouded by your emotions, the universe opens up a horizon of new possibilities. See things as an observer, remove angry thoughts and intense feelings from your identity, and take a step back. When you can do this, the emotion no longer holds you meaning there is no accumulation of stress.

And this brings us to the number 3 of the most essential things for happiness in life...

3. Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is an important thing you can do for your health. Being physically active improves your stamina, strengthen bones and muscles, improve your mental health, reduce the risk of chronic disease, improve your ability to do everyday activities... and many other things.

There so many articles and videos about importance of daily physical activities but these are only words... you have to actually do it. 

I'm 59 this year and I do regular ashtanga yoga half primary practice. It is not easy, it is hard, long and boring practice, 50 minutes but if I don't do it, I feel my day is not complete.

So, my friend, take whatever you like, yoga, gym cardio or weight lifting, running, cycling... swimming, walking, whatever will do but just do it.

Watching successful people, you might think that money is what matters most in life but do you wonder why they continue working hard after they made their millions? The money is the lifeblood of every person so that brings us to number 4 of the most essentials things to be happy...

4. Money

Are you aware that your time is limited here on Earth? And are you aware that half of your life you will spend working, working, making money! It is important to be in the right place, to be in peace with your job. You don't need to like it, but please don't hate it. If you do so, find another career, another job.

It is not only important that you like your job but also it is essential that your job provides enough money for your needs. Of course you can always lower your needs but let not go to one extreme to the other. I am talking of daily life where there is so many bills piled up for you to the end of month... there is a financial need for apartment or house, the groceries, etc... and your enjoyments, so the money is important.

Many people use to disregard the importance of financial stability when they consider individual happiness. If you have enough money, then it'll help shape your daily habits and activities. By doing things that are beneficial for you as well as having fun times with loved ones or enjoying your hobbies.

What do you think is the most important things in your life? 

Your life is the one that really matters. Not the one that makes you feel good, not the one that allows you to tell everyone how much money you have, not the one that gives you the best health, not even the one with great friends and family. But it’s not about all those things. The good life is about making choices, it’s about having a purpose and it’s about being happy.

There are no boundaries when it comes to living a full life and having all those small little daily annoyances taken care of. So why some people are more some less satisfied with life? Life itself is empty enough in its own right, but you somehow feel incomplete if you don’t have everything you desire.

The final most essential thing for happiness is...

5. Love

Without love your life will never be complete. The people who make your life richer and enjoyable are the ones that you should be spending time with. It's not just because they're there, or how much you care about them, it is also an undeniable fact of human nature.

Love is the driving force that will lead you through your career, daily activities, and interests. You may experience different forms of love such as falling in romantic love or be in love with your job, or like a particular city or culture during vacation; however, it’s important to embrace everything you find enjoyable because without doing it passionately your life would be dull. 

Start loving every moment with your spouse or family and friends because none of them is going to be here forever. Hug them, tell them you are loving them now because you might not have the time to do it later.

You spend so much of your time and energy focused on the things you don’t like so you constantly regretting choices you made in life because there wasn't enough attention paid towards your own happiness. 

It is not the end of the world, with love you can undo whatever you have done... good luck!


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