Living the fantasies

Zee Mark

As I walk through this world searching for light in the darkness of daily insanity I ask myself is all hope lost? Is there only pain and hatred, and misery? Reading the news headlines I can hardly believe my eyes any more; the people's life is all so fucking packed to hide its shallowness and meaninglessness. 

I am not saying that I know something. I know nothing. I don’t have the answers, I get irritated when I read other people putting themselves out there as gurus, therapists, or doctors.

I write gibberish and with a bad grammar I'm continuing to challenge your most common, widely accepted, beliefs. You are bound by your own concepts and notions. Think about it. If you cannot handle my posts, so be it. Go read something else for free, I'm not nagging you to be here.

If you stay, don't read these posts from perspective of right or wrong, it is not important, really, by time, you will see that you and I are wrong about everything. And that is the meaning of life.

As far as the truth is concerned, 98% of your thinking is rubbish. The remaining 2% is garbage!

Stupidity of your beliefs

My dear friend, I have a great compassion towards you so I write and write... the same things over again, in different words. 

Your life directly depends from your belief, the idea of who you are. You don't pay any attention to that and that is your the biggest mistake. Instead of that you live your life setting up hopes, expectations and dreams measuring events as a success or failure. In the process you became covetous, greedy and coward.

Unfortunately, on top of that you nourished yourself with fear.

You're so self-important. So arrogant. You think you are rational and logical being, you talk about politics, spirituality, god and other high matters and you think you know everything...

I'm quite certain, you're going away. Pack your shit guy, you're going away. And you won't leave much of a trace on this planet.

That is the fair thing about your life, you won't leave a trace at all. What could you possibly leave here? You are living your life on this planet like you're at a giant shopping mall. The buy and sell mentality has squeezed out the last reminder of your consciousness. You, driven by greed, are extremely sick.

The crooked political system, distorted entertainment industry, false news and advertisements, phony medical and pharmaceutical industry, dishonest food industry, travel and working conditions, constant wars and lost of basic human rights are your world.

You simply don't want to be free

You are a slave and you dream of becoming a master rather than of gaining freedom. The crux of the matter on which the whole ploy of your life rests is your suggestibility, complacency and tendency to wishful thinking.

The present life, this life you're living is not a moralistic punishment for your fall as a human being, it is a natural consequence of a state of being, just as it is a natural consequence of being a chicken to sometimes get eaten by a fox.

Why don't you see this? It is so simple, it is enough to look around. I know, you are a work in progress, which means you get there (I do wonder where?) a little at a time, not all at once... but still?

If you don't see your real situation, you’re asleep a good majority of the time; wishing you were kick-ass awake, creative persona or just plain awesome individual.

But the sad reality is that you aren't doing anything to make dreams happen. You’re just living out the fantasies with your eyes  closed.

And so you end up dying a slow death on the inside. 
And you know, it's not just that it's a terrible way to live: it's not really life at all. It's not something you choose, it's what you get when you don't choose. We just marched ourselves into these damned idiotic, impossible lives without ever stopping to think about what we were doing. High school, college, post-grad and then straight into the workforce. Get married. have a kid, borrow money, buy a house. fill it with junk. have another kid, borrow more money. bigger house, more junk. It's completely insane, but that's how everyone I know lived. ~ Jed McKenna, Spiritual Warfare
Think, contemplate, understand

All is illusion, the 'you' is illusion, so whatever the 'you' do is also illusion. Remove the name and nothing remains. In final Reality there is no 'you', no 'I', no mind and no thought. That is your natural state.

A clear cut understanding of a these things is awakening. Reality is not to be achieved, it is already here. After this thorough understanding, nothing is required.

Understand that everything is nothing, life is a big lie. The sense of presence is all that you really have so stand beyond knowledge. Jut BE. Forget everything and immediately you are your what you are, in this very moment. There is nothing to reject and nothing to gain because everything is nothing.

You are the Self without self. Understand that 'yourself' (personality) has no existence. You don't understand that illusion is nothing. Understand your mind and then it doesn't remain. Not remaining as 'I' is the highest understanding.

If you want to realize your Self, you must devote your entire life to It. Otherwise, what is the use of life? Be fearless. Illusory 'I' has no real existence, the world has no existence. See that and be what you are - remain consciously in the the sense of presence.

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