Why do you read only one page on my blog?

Zee Mark

It is an interesting fact that you my reader come here, read just one page and then you leave. I wonder why. I guess you did not like what you have read but I see you coming again and again, so you must like something on this blog. 

I don't know who are you I have just basic statistics from StatCounter javascript which records the visits to my blog.  If you have disabled blog trackers then there is no recording at all.

Here is the statistics and as you can see only one page is read.

A week ago I implemented new layout on my blog. The most features I programmed myself, well that is my profession. 

The blog starts with the most read 5 posts in the last month. Then comes recent posts and after that my favorite posts, something what I like to show you... Serbia 2024, awakening, ashtanga yoga etc... I change those posts often.

I have implemented the latest features making more pleasant reading experience. Images are with lazy loading and that gives faster access to site. I enabled comments, made contact form, enable dark mode, used cookies to save your preference so if you like dark mode and you select it, your choice will be saved when you return on the blog again. 

I made search form on the top and the bottom of the blog. Every page has You May Like section with the 4 posts of the same category as well as The Latest blog posts list of 6 posts. And besides all that in 99% cases there is only one page click. I wonder where is my mistake.

The new layout is fully responsive meaning the width of photos and texts are not hard coded, they are given in percentage, so the blog looks different in desktop computer or laptop with various screen resolution as well as on the phone. All sections and features are included regardless of device it is seen on.

I made a small video of all features of my blog. 

I just turned my clock from 2 to 3 am, it is the daylight saving magic. It is 3 am here in Toronto and I am fully awake feeling great. My wife is coming in two weeks, I am excited, I am going to be a good husband to her. 

My reader, I don't want that you agree with my point of views. This is my own kind of bullshit, my life philosophy. It does not matter if I am right or wrong, that's pointless, I would really like that you start thinking with your own head. 

If you have time please tell me why do you read only one page on my blog. Thank you.


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